Thursday, September 13, 2007

and before i return to slumber...

Here I am. Woke up in the middle of the night. Woke up on the witching hour. Wondering (or worrying?) of what is in store for me within the days ahead. I can hear the loud chirping of cicadas outside. Echoing throughout the night. An echo that stirs wildly at my self that makes me anxious of my dreamless sleep. For unimaginative slumbers and anchored consciousness. Marooned indefinitely.

I am empty. Fill me up to the brim and I shall be in gratitude.

When shall I smile? A smile that tugs me from the inside. And since my mind is numbed from the sudden rise from slumber, I shall succumb to it again. Funny how your mind refuses to give you words when in half-dimwittedness. I need help. My soul is drowning in darkness. I need vision. Goodnight.

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