Monday, March 03, 2008

Seems like it...

I have been busy with work and lately all I do is post photos instead of writing long entries. Weird, but I had undergone something significant in my life and yet i find myself dumbfounded with words. No words leak out of my brain and trickle down to my pen nor to the keyboard. I find myself expressing myself through my photos and yet it's not enough. I have been lost and yet I find myself getting back on track with getting crazy with my craft and even buying a new camera for my passion. I guess this means I am rolling over and standing up. It may take a while before I write again, the way i used to write but i am sure it will get there. But for now i will just do what I want to do, just kick it with a camera and capture every single thing that my eye catches fancy on. And I am rambling on.. and on... and on...

I hope nothing spoils this fun anytime soon.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Photo Updates

So much to share, so little time to spare...

Click on the images for their respective photo albums...

Sessions at Bed Space

GC Day at Fusion

Sadie's Birthday

VYNL C/S Tour at Embassy Cuisine

UP Sigma Delta Phi